HIABEA01 – Ayurvedic Skin and Beauty
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We don’t create abundance.
Abundance is always present.
We create limitation.
The world is full of wonders
waiting to be explored.
Open your heart,
broaden your horizons,
and let the magic unfold.
Abundance is an overflowing feeling of richness that extends beyond material wealth. Having more than enough of the ‘good stuff’ in life, such as love, health, opportunities, and yes, money is abundance. However, the money abundance connection stems from more than just the practical side of life. Money enables us to meet our needs, pursue our passions and create experiences for ourselves and others. It is a tool we can use for manifesting abundance in various forms.
If you are ready to tap into the energy of abundance, check out this ‘Mindful Abundance’ course. It is a self-paced course which will help you to navigate the chaos in a crazy world with powerful cosmic principles and practices
and to break free from the matrix of illusion. It will also help you to rewire optimistic thinking to create your own world of abundant health, wealth, and wisdom, because doing well with money isn’t necessarily about what you know, it’s about how you behave. And behaviour is hard to teach, even to really smart people. More than just wealth, this course is about working towards the freedom, and the choices that wealth can provide.
‘Mindful Abundance’ will be like a breath of fresh air to your lungs.
More than being just a guide to riches, it is a deep and spiritual self-help course, with timeless lessons to understand cosmic wealth, greed, happiness, and what money actually means in terms of your needs and lifestyle, for you to feel enough in life. This course is amazing on so many levels. There is a lot of ground covered that will help you to feel valid and grounded as a person in the world
The world is full of wonders waiting to be explored.
Open your heart, broaden your horizons,
and let the magic unfold.
The old paradigm of our “civilised” world is unsustainable, built as it is, on a foundation that is out of balance with nature and her laws.
We see it collapsing around us every day, as humanity is swept from one catastrophe to the next, at the expense of its liberty to the powers that be, which operate behind the scenes. This world has become totally unplugged from the flow of life’s vital energies, as have her people, who live lives of sickness, alienation, despair, fear, and anxiety.
In the chaos of life, it seems increasingly challenging to find balance when everything around us is in upheaval. As a result, our immune systems weaken and we become more vulnerable to illness and disease. Clearly, we need to change course if we wish to live a vibrant, healthy, and balanced life.
This course covers how things got to be so messed up, and more importantly, how humanity can navigate the chaos and create a better world for themselves. This means embarking on the path of personal and spiritual growth: it is a process of work and commitment that takes place over time, and becomes our new way of living.
What may seem like a huge topic can actually be reduced to three basic steps, namely
1. Learn the truth about the real world
Learn the truth about the real world, and how our world really works, as opposed to the brainwashing we receive from the entire old paradigm, mainstream system… most significantly the mainstream media and governments, the powers that be, that own everything, including the largest international banks, educational institutions, and multi-national corporations, and who operate entirely in secret. They have used their immense power to create a vast world of illusion that holds humanity under its sway and strips it of its freedom and its spirit. If you’re not aware of this illusion, you could probably be stuck in it. Nevertheless, the true value of your humanity, rather than a mind-controlled robot, is your uniqueness, individuality and your capacity to experience wonder, mystery, and inspiration.
We need inspiration right now. This is the antidote to fear. And we need to wonder about the bigger picture, your connection to your higher self, and all the courage and humanity to be found within that. We need to wonder what we truly are, without all the dense commentary and negative social thought-loops that keep us bound to the stupidity inherent in pop culture and group think.
2. Break free from the matrix of illusion
Break free from the matrix of illusion, which is a prison for your mind and spirit, and begin to create a world of your own making, one that is the way, you, not somebody else, want it to be… a world that makes sense, a world where you reassume complete responsibility for your own life, a world that is sustainable, which means in harmony with Mother Earth and the forces of nature.
3. Reconnect with your indigenous spirituality
Reconnect with your indigenous spirituality, which will then be your primary tool in transforming yourself and creating your new world. Similar to all indigenous people spanning the globe, our indigenous spirituality is derived from our intimate relationship with nature and all of her forces. Nature is our greatest teacher and healer, and here is where we derive the power to fulfil our potential as multi-dimensional spiritual beings, with the power to change the world.
Our lives, i.e. our overall mental health and wellbeing are affected by various degrees of stress and pain, hardships brought about by insufficiency and imbalance, and an inability to adequately manage money.
For so many of us, money is much more than simply a medium of exchange in our lives: it is the source of many of our emotions and, a major contributor to stress.
It plays such a controlling role in our lives that we are prepared to do things for money that require us to give up other things we value, such as time with our family and friends, and our wellbeing.
We also link our sense of self-worth and level of happiness with money, often in ways that stop us from living fulfilled and joyous lives.
In Australia, research has found that money-related stress is a significant contributor to mental health and wellbeing issues. Yet very few people actually take steps to address the difficult mental health issues that arise around money. This is because our money relationship is complex and most of us haven’t been taught the skills to create a more beneficial relationship with money.
Limiting Beliefs Around Money
Much of our thoughts, emotions and behaviours around money are driven by our subconscious beliefs. This means that we are not normally consciously aware of why we think or feel a particular way about money-related situations. These subconscious beliefs are often limiting or negative in nature, yet we habitually react to them, creating actions around money that are often not beneficial for us or our families in the long run. Some examples of our limiting beliefs around money include:
- Money is the root of all evil…
- Rich people are snobs…
- Money doesn’t buy happiness, etc.
Do these beliefs serve you?
With these or similar core beliefs, our behaviour, and the actions we take, often reinforce our limiting beliefs, so we are then caught in a negative cycle of behaviour. To compound the issue, we also judge or criticise ourselves and each other for/and by such actions, thoughts, and emotions.
Money prayers are not for the lazy. To pray for money, thinking it will drop down from the sky is a misconception. It won’t.
Prayer is not an opportunity to ask a divine source to do the things you have been equipped to do. If you are equipped with a fishing rod, you have the means to fish on your own. You have a brain, and a body, so you can work, rest, play and pray. Engage in some work, or a business to earn money and then ask for divine intervention to bless your work and business.
- Fill your mind with gratitude for the abundance in your life.
Money is just a tool created for exchange. Other than that, there’s no real value in money.
You can’t use it to stay warm… you can’t eat it… you can’t drink it…
You can only trade it for something you want.
You exchange money (buy) for something because you believe what you’re getting in exchange is greater than keeping your money.
To exchange money for greater potential and more abundance, you may need to release your fear about “spending” money.
Amidst life’s pressures and busyness, the power of the present moment is often elusive. Mindfulness invites you to anchor yourself in the now, experiencing life in its fullest hues.
No matter how much or how little money you have flowing through your life, when you direct that flow with soulful purpose, you feel wealthy. You feel vibrant and alive when you use your money in a way that represents you, not just as a response to the market economy, but also as an expression of who you are. When you let your money move to things you care about, your life lights up. That’s really what money is for.
Mindfulness allows you to become more aware of your thoughts, emotions and actions. It is not just a technique or practice. It’s a way of life. It’s about fully engaging with the present, without the filters of judgment or distraction.
From this place of awareness, you can choose to mindfully respond to money situations in line with your life’s values and financial goals, instead of your normal, habitual patterns.
In addition, mindfulness allows you to more fully understand your behaviour around money and the associated limiting beliefs driving them. To put it simply, money isn’t evil. Having a lot of money doesn’t make you a bad person. Money is a tool. It is neither bad nor good. Money is a medium of exchange. Energy is the real currency on this planet.
Money amplifies who you truly are. As many other human beings, you will use money to take care of yourself, help your loved ones and to lift up those in need. On the other hand, chances are, you could mindlessly find ways to hurt yourself, others, and the planet.
Money is a small cog in the wheel of abundance. If you are ready to move on from a cognitive reality of scarcity, you will find real wealth in living with the joy of abundance.
You can use mindfulness to:
- Redefine how you see wealth, and the existing areas of abundance in your life.
- Examine your thoughts and emotions to decrease stress, anxiety and a sense of being overwhelmed about money and money-related decisions.
- Develop a welcoming relationship with your emotions, so that you can respond in a wise way rather than reactively.
- Help develop beliefs around money that benefit you.
- Develop financial goals aligned with your values from a grounded and present place, rather than from fear and anxiety.
- Understand the impact that your earnings, spending, and savings have on your ability to create and maintain wealth.
- Implement mindful spending habits that are aligned with what is important, and what you need, instead of using money for emotionally driven wants.
- Create tools, systems and habits to bring more ease, joy, and abundance into your relationship with money.
Mindfulness-based abundance coaching
The course starts with exploring the ways you really think about money, why you have made some poor money decisions, and teaches you how to rewire your thought processes to make better sense of one of life’s most important topics. You will cover a great amount of learning about the art of being happy in life, which is an often neglected topic, as many courses on abundance, investing, personal finance, and business decisions are typically taught as a math-based field, where data and formulas on spreadsheets tell us exactly what to do. But in the real world people make financial decisions at the dinner table, or in a meeting room, where personal history, your own unique view of the world, ego, pride, marketing, and odd incentives are scrambled together.
The mindful application of the various practices from the wisdom teaching of the East, enables us to gain an understanding of how and why we behave the way we do around money.
The Vedas, which are the oldest books of wisdom in the world, outline four goals in life. This approach is extremely liberating and healthy. These goals for a healthy, happy living are:
– purpose (dharma),
– abundance (artha),
– pleasure (kama), and
– freedom (moksha).
This course explores more of the ‘why’ rather than the ‘how’ and ‘what’, allowing you to reflect on your life and how you want to run it. It presents the knowledge and practical tool kit to create the shift and confidently tackle many abundance matters that have been in the too hard basket, and the bigger picture around abundance. You will also encounter the tools to mindfully assist you emotionally and mentally to have more ease around abundance.
This course will help you to use mindfulness to become aware of and develop a new relationship with your thoughts and emotions around money and abundance. This will allow you to more effec- tively manage stress and anxiety over money-related issues and decisions. You will learn to identify any limiting money-related beliefs and how they impact you. You will emerge stronger to de- termine your financial goals, monitor your spending habits, and develop and maintain a positive relationship with abundance.
Why I am qualified to teach you
I am an author and spiritual teacher. In recent times, my work has dealt with creating a new world from the ashes of the old, in times of paradigm shift, according to the wisdom traditions of a bygone people who lived sustainably and in harmony with nature
Born and educated in India, I emigrated to Melbourne, Australia in 1972, then moved to the Gold Coast in 1994. In July 2019, in a huge leap of faith, I moved to the hinterland mountains of the Scenic Rim, in Beechmont, Queensland where I now live, partially off grid, with spring water, a septic tank and solar power. I’m learning to live sustainably and in harmony with nature, preparing, both practically and spiritually, for the monumental paradigm shifts that are yet to come. We, humanity, can reassume our responsibility as caretakers of the same mother we all share, Mother Earth, and play our part in creating a vibrant, healthy, balanced and abundant life in a new world.
I have been practising mindfulness for over 50 years, and during that time, have run mindfulness-based courses for individuals, groups, and corporations. The information provided in this course is generally deep and does not take into account your specific financial circumstances. I am not a financial adviser and this course delves well beyond financial advice.
PREFACE (on Course page)
Topic 1.1. Introduction
Topic 1.2. Mindful Abundance Workshop Questions
Topic 1.3. Prosperity
Topic 2.1. The Universe’s Laws
Topic 3.1. The Law of Cosmic Consciousness
Topic 3.2. The Law of Abundance
Topic 3.3. The Law of Attraction
Topic 3.4. The Law of Expansion
Topic 3.5. The Law of Expectancy
Topic 3.6. The Law of Reflection
Topic 3.7. The Law of Cause and Effect (karma)
Topic 4.1. The uncomfortable truth about money and you
Topic 5.1. Everything That You Need is Already Within You
Topic 5.2. Love Money if You Want it to Love You Back
Topic 5.3. Being Aware of Money Leads to Having Money
Topic 5.4. Money Comes into Your Life for a Specific Reason
Topic 5.5. Money Must Circulate Freely
Topic 5.6. You Have to Give to Receive
Topic 5.7. Trust Your Intuition: Open Your Third Eye
Topic 5.8 Your Prosperity List
Topic 6.1. Unearth Your Inner Motivation
Topic 6.2. Give More Than You Get
Topic 6.3. Live with Complete Integrity
Topic 6.4. The Hero’s Journey: Courage, Boldness, Daring
Topic 6.5. Be Self-disciplined
Topic 6.6. Live Modestly
Topic 6.7. Create Supportive Environments
Topic 6.8. Take Advantage Of Leveraging
Topic 6.9. Manage Your Wealth Like A Business
Topic 6.10. Take Care Of Your Wealth
Topic 7.1. Self Worth
Topic 7.2. Do What You Love
Topic 7.3. Create Value for Others
Topic 8.1. Positive Affirmations
Topic 8.2. Getting rid of barriers to effective wealth creation
Topic 8.3. Choosing the right wealth affirmations for yourself
Topic 8.4. Are wealth affirmations effective?
Topic 8.5. How long will it take for the affirmations to take effect?
Topic 9.1. Three Major steps to Manifestation
Topic 9.2. Your Vision: Who you are and why you exist
Topic 9.3. The Living Commitment
Topic 9.4. Abundant Living through inspired action
Topic 10.1. Master your mind to master your life
Topic 10.2 Finances
Topic 10.3. The Career you Desire
Topic 10.4. Personal Breakthroughs
Topic 10.5. Your Spiritual Self
Topic10.6. Health and Lifestyle
Topic 10.7. Your Optimum Weight and Fitness
Topic 10.8. Recreation and Fun
Topic 10.9. Relationships
Topic 10.10. Family
Topic 10.11. Friendships
Topic 11.1. Power Follows Thought
Topic 11.2. Eat Healthily
Topic 11.3. Engage in Regular Exercise
Topic 11.4. Stay away from Brain Toxins
Topic 11.5. Refrain from Cigarette Smoking
Topic 11.6. Use your Brain
Topic 11.7. Shield your Brain
Topic 11.8. More Relaxation, Better Thinking
Topic 11.9. Sleep Well
Lesson 12. S.M.A.R.T. GOAL SETTING
Topic 12.1. The Essentials of Good Decision Making
Topic 13.1. Purposeful And Authentic Life
Topic 13.2. Healthy, Wealthy and Wise
Topic 13.3. Guilt
Topic 13.4. Forgiveness
Topic 13.5. Overcoming Fear
Topic 13.6. Self Fulfilment
Topic 13.7. The Turning Point: Self Esteem
Topic 13.8. Mindfulness is Witnessing the Cosmos in Action:
Topic 13.9. Yoga Synthesis
Lesson 14. RESOURCES
Topic 14.1. Building True Abundance Series
Topic 14.2. Core Services
Topic 14.3. Books by Shanti Gowans
Topic 14.4. Audio & Visual Guided Practices by Shanti Gowans
Topic 14.5. Downloadable MP3 Shanti Yoga Guided Practices
Copyright © 2022 SHANTI GOWANS. All Rights Reserved.
Published and Distributed by Inner Peace Publications
Health Institute Australasia
PO Box 3512 Southport BC, Gold Coast, Queensland 4215, Australia
Tel: (617) 5531 0511
Email: shanti@shantiyoga.com.au
Copyright and Disclaimer
This material is copyright. All rights are reserved. Apart from any fair dealing for the purpose of private study, research, criticism or review, as permitted under the Copyright Act, no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form, or by any means, electronic, electrical, chemical, mechanical, optical, pho- tocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the copyright owner.
It is both a pleasure and a privilege to write and present this material with loving-kindness for the education of interested people. Both the decision and the responsibility for use of the practices described herein are yours.
The advice in this course is general in nature. The author of this course is not and does not claim to be a financial advisor. If you require specific financial assistance, it is advisable that you seek professional help from a qualified financial advisor.