About Us

Ayurveda and Yoga College for Practice and Higher Education

Health Institute Australasia (HIA) is an Ayurveda and Yoga College located on the beautiful Gold Coast of eastern Australia.  At HIA we have developed numerous educational programs in the form of interactive community lectures, workshops, series, and seminars as well as diploma courses to meet the needs of the twenty-first century.  Health Institute Australasia is Government Accredited as a registered training organisation offering flexible payment plans. Government subsidies such as Austudy and youth allowance are available for eligible domestic students.

Face-toFace and Online Yoga Teacher Training

HIA offers the highest Yoga qualification you can obtain not only in Australia but in the world.

We offer the 600 hour, Certificate IV in Yoga by face-to-face, in person learning for domestic and international students, and online studies to domestic (Australian) students.

Our advanced Yoga Teacher Training courses, namely, the Diploma of Yoga Teaching (1200 hours) and the Advanced Diploma of Therapeutic Yoga Teaching (1800 hours) are also available face-to-face and online.

We offer the highest yoga qualification you can obtain … not only in Australia, but in the world – with our Advanced Diploma course being 1800 hours.

Face-to-Face and Online Ayurveda Courses

We offer the Diploma ofAyurvedic Lifestyle Consultation face-to-face, in person as well as by Distance Education to domestic (Australian) students. You will be required to do some components of the course on campus such as skills training eg treatments, shirodhara, katibasti, Ayurvedic cooking, etc. However, the majority of your units can be completed via distance education with the facilities of tutorials, fully comprehensive lecture notes unit by unit, resource materials, homework and assignments.

Company details: Health Institute Australasia Pty.Ltd. ACN 141 696 264
Level 1/ 18 Rawlins Street,
Southport, QLD 4215, Australia

Our CEOOur Team
Shanti Gowans, yoga teacher trainer
Shanti Gowans,  Dean and CEO of HIA

Our team is led by CEO Shanti Gowans, born in India. After completing her MA at the University of Mumbai, Shanti spent several years travelling around the world as an international guest speaker with global and cosmic perspectives. Whilst on the speakers’ circuit, Shanti has shared the lecture platform with several spiritual luminaries, such as some of the teaching monks of the Ramakrishna order, Sharda Math, Buddhist monks, Dr. Swami Gitananda, and many training and new age luminaries, including Professor P.H. Kulkarni, Dr. Manish Patwardhan, Dr. Deepak Chopra in Sydney and Melbourne, Australia.

Shanti Gowans has also brought the concepts and practices of a healthy body and still mind to thousands of Australians through her Yoga and Meditation programs which appeared on Australian national television for 3½ years on channels 2 and 10.

Shanti Gowans is truly a remarkable and inspirational teacher and has developed life changing courses with true dedication and respect for the ancient and authentic science of yoga and ayurveda.

In addition to Shanti Gowans, our staff are truly unique in that we possess a team of hand-picked in-house professionals who have been selected for their commitment and dedication to providing high levels of service to our students.

Peter Gowans

  • Peter Gowans, Dip Ayurveda
  • Co-Owner, Nirvana Wellness Retreat
  • CEO One World Productions

Peter Gowans, together with Shanti Gowans, owns the beautiful Nirvana Wellness Retreat in the hinterland of the Gold Coast. Peter Gowans holds a Diploma in Ayurveda from his studies with Prof. P.H. Kulkarni.

Hilary Sullivan

  • Hilary Sullivan, Grad Dip Ed., B.A. Adv Dip Yoga, Cert IV Ayur. Cert IV TAS
  • Vice Principal. Principal lecturer for Dip of ALC Ayurveda at Health Institute Australasia.

Hilary has a background in teaching yoga and ayurveda. She is currently the Vice Principal of Health Institute Australasia and its public relations coordinator.

Sonja Stauder

  • Sonja Stauder, B.A. (Japanese and Law). Adv Dip Yoga. Adv. Dip Ayur, Cert IV in Business Studies
  • Director of Education and Studies and Culinary Arts, HIA
  • Ayurvedic Practitioner

Sonja Stauder is the director of Education, Studies and Culinary Arts at Health Institute Australasia..  She is the current treasurer of AAPA, the Australasia Ayurvedic Practitioner’s Association.

Dr. Manish Patwardhan

  • Dr. Manish Patwardhan, M.D. (Ayu), F.I.I.M
  • Ayurvedic Development: Operations, Products, Training Adviser @ HIA
  • CEO • Spa Consultants • FitRanger, India
  • Joint Director: Institute of Indian Medicine

Dr. Manish Patwardhan, Ayurvedic Physician and Consultant, a postgraduate doctor in Ayurveda, who has undertaken studies in the medical school for 9 years has been teaching and consulting for The Health Institute Australia since 1996.

Kamala Shakti

  • Kamala Shakti, BA., Grad Dip Ed., Business Computing, Grad Dip. Library and Info. Studies
  • Artistic Director, Padma-A step ahead
  • Director, Indian Dance @ HIA

Kamala Shakti is the artistic director of Padma with innumerable performances and workshops, and implementing full length productions with Arts organisations, BEMAC, Arts Queensland, QUT, and other educational institutions. Kamala Shakti has been conducting HIA’s Indian dance curriculum since 2007.

Sue Green

  • Sue Green, Adv Dip Yoga, Cert IV TAS
  • Lecturer for Cert IV Yoga and Life Education & Cert IV Workplace Assessment and Training

Sue Green hails from high level management in the hospitality industry, where she has worked for over 20 years.  Sue has been teaching Yoga for HIA  since 2010.

Chloe Tenhave

  • Choe Tenhave, Cert IV Yoga, currently studying Diploma of Yoga Teaching
  • Office Administrator, HIA

Dalal Sultan was born in Egypt and raised in Dubai. She enjoyed many years of studying drama, dance and Rhythmic gymnastics (competing in nationals). A vegetarian her whole life, she has a deep love and respect for the furry & feathered creatures. She loves the beach, nature, dancing, experiencing new cultures, philosophy, SUP, Scuba diving, surfing, breathing, yoga, backpacking, drawing, travelling, life… and has recently spent 2 years travelling the world.

HIA’s background

Shanti Gowans developed Shanti Yoga when she first moved from India to Australia in 1972. In 1995, Shanti Gowans registered the educational faculty ’The Meditation Institute (TMI)’ which, in 2003 became a Registered Training Organisation offering accredited courses in Ayurveda and Yoga. In 2010 Shanti and the team change the name  of TMI to Health Institute Australia broadening the scope of study options for students.

HIA organisational chart

Nationally Recognised Training

Developing Ayurvedic and Yoga Practitioners that comply with the rules, regulations and standards of the countries in which we operate has been a strong focus for Health Institute Australasia. However, we have always known that just herbs and medicines or yoga postures are not enough for natural wellbeing. This is why we are fully dedicated to bring about Health and Wellness Training programs for both individuals for personal health and professionals. Our training and courses are fully compliant with the Australian Skills Quality Authority. This means that you can be assured of our commitment to the highest quality education available, and that your qualifications are recognised Australia wide and beyond.

With 4 decades of providing education in Yoga, Meditation and Ayurveda, many of our graduates have established and successful yoga centres right across Australia and worldwide.

A message from the CEO
[perfectpullquote align=”left” cite=”Shanti Gowans” size=”15″]The purpose of education is to culture a person’s mind so that they can accomplish all their aims in life.[/perfectpullquote] The purpose of education is to culture a person’s mind so that they can accomplish all their aims in life. This education should enable you to develop within yourself the ability to make the best use of your gifts, talents, personality, surroundings, and circumstances so that you are on your way to accomplish the maximum in life for yourself – and then you can make this world available to others.

Studies at Health Institute Australasia provide a complete, in-depth education, with a curriculum that will enable you to become knowledgeable in your chosen field of study, together with personal development as a responsible human being, fully grown in all the values of life, and established in higher consciousness and understanding.

We wish you all success in your studies, your interest in full self-actualising and employing HIA’s courses as a tool to grow, develop and reach your full potential. With these aims you must surely succeed in your aspirations to make a difference in your own and other people’s lives. [perfectpullquote align=”right” cite=”Shantiji” size=”18″]Take your life to the next level. We want you to be successful.[/perfectpullquote] Health Institute Australasia welcomes you to join us in celebrating and deepening the commitment to a renewal of humanity, health and wellbeing.

 Shanti Gowans  Dean and CEO, Health Institute Australasia

We look forward to having you on board at Health Institute Australasia.

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