HIAAYU15 – Unit 15: Ayurvedic medicine (Herbs) – Dravyaguna
August 2, 2024
HIAAYU14 – Unit 14: Diagnosis – Diseases (Nidan – Samprati)
September 26, 2024After each clinic visit, HIA requires the learner to upload your personal;
1. Clinic Handbook and Contact Hours Logbook.
2. Practical observation learner assessment
for clinic supervisors
As this is an Australian Government accredited course, HIA is required to provide evidence of your time in Clinical Practice, which can be uploaded in the appropriate topic, outlined below.
Evidence will include: consultation papers, nutritional plans, constitutional (prakruti) analysis etc.
When uploading, please ensure you have named your document correctly, i,e,.
Consultation. Elizabeth. Student’s Name
Shirodhara therapy. Steven. Student’s name
Nutritional plan. Paul. Student’s name
The course outline:
LESSON 19.1 Uploads of all Clinic Evidence
- Topic 19.1.1. Client Consultations
- Topic 19.1.2. Remedial Therapies
- Topic 19.1.3. Nutritional plans
- Topic 19.1.4. Client Prescriptions
- Topic 19.1.5. Prepare Ayurvedic Medicines
- Topic 19.1.6. Assessments
- Topic 19.1.7. Logbook for Clinic 3