Topic 7.3. Create Value for Others

Step 3: Create Value For Others

With whatever you are doing, take the attitude of wanting it to directly or indirectly benefit others. Take the attitude of wanting it to increase your experience of kinship with your fellow beings. Create a world of ‘us’. This is essential. This is what life is about: service to others. If we grew up watching adults serve others, we were encouraged to actively seek our own ways to serve the community. We know that service to others is the highest calling to which one can aspire. The power to cultivate servant-leadership comes from the individual. It’s an inside-out approach. Servant-leaders encourage collaboration, trust, foresight, listening, and the ethical use of power and empowerment. Servant-leadership is, in essence, written in our hearts as a natural law, a changeless principle; it is not imposed from without.

Whether you work for yourself or someone else, your success in wealth building depends upon how much value you provide for others. That’s all money is: a means of exchanging value. As a business owner, you receive money in return for the value (products and/or services) you provide to your customers or clients. You can then exchange that money for things of value to you or your business. As an employee, you receive money for the value you provide to your employer, or your employer’s customers or clients. You can then exchange that money for things of value to you.

The more value you provide, the more wealth you can build. If people decide that what you offer is of value to them, they will gladly exchange money for it. By over delivering what you offer – in other words, by providing people with great value for their money – you virtually guarantee that you’ll build wealth!

Your actions also need to be in line with the greater good. In other words, if what you do is harmful or creates negative effects in some way, it’s not worth doing – even if it manages to create some sort of value on a temporary basis. Wealth built in that way just doesn’t last; it’s not really wealth at all. So focus on providing great value, and operate according to positive principles. If you do that, you’ll create positive, abundant wealth. It’s that simple!

An individual has not begun to live until he can rise above the narrow horizons of his particular individualistic concerns to the broader concerns of all humanity. Every person must decide, at some point, whether they will walk in the light of creative altruism or in the darkness of destructive selfishness. This is the judgment. Life’s most persistent and urgent question is, ‘What are you doing for others?’

                                    Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. 1929-1968

These 3 steps are an essential foundation for your wealth building activities. To recap, they are:

  1. You are worthy
  2. Do what you love, give it your all, and monetise it
  3. Create value for others

Anyone who has created great wealth will tell you, that your success depends on your beliefs and state of mind as much as your actions… in fact, your state of mind determines your actions! So make sure to include these 3 essential steps in your own wealth building activities – and remember: you can do it!

Every step you make moves you forwards or backwards. Stillness is an illusion. You are never still. Mould the universal, intelligent substance, harness the power of the unseen, crystallise your vision with details, maintain powerful, positive emotions and convert things into events.  When your actions always help your life grow, and don’t hold you back, everything works out in the end.



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