We make a living by what we take, but we make a life through what we give.
To gain true abundance, you have to help improve other people’s lives as you improve your own. You can help everyone around you, if you give more value than you get.
True abundance is about achieving riches, happiness and contentment. Aquiring things of value will definitely give you instant riches, yet they absolutely cannot lead you to contentment or happiness.
You can manifest more abundance by giving to others. Being of service and giving to others are two primary ways to manifest more abundance. If you are of service to others and give from an abundance mentality, you will automatically leverage and increase your income in leaps and bounds.
Giving is always getting. If you give for the sake and joy of giving,
you will feel wonderful about your life and know that you are making
a positive difference to the world. Giving money that helps others equals getting it back several fold in return. However, it may not always come back to you monetarily.
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