Topic 6.08.09 Reaching Deeper – stretch passively rather than actively. VERSION CONTROL: 1 August 2017
Some people discover that their mental images of what they can and cannot do are more limiting than their body’s actual abilities!
• Extend the pose. Stretch long.
• Stretch and hold, for it is in the Yoga stretch that relief comes to a tired body, constricted spine, cramped joints. So, stretch and extend yourself to a comfortable limit, initially not beyond.
• Don’t just stretch to be flexible. Stretch to feel good. The feeling of a good Yoga stretch is important. Stretch by how you feel, not by how far you can go.
• Yoga stretching releases stiffness, makes your body more mature and seasoned. When it is ‘seasoned’ it is easier to mould it according to the dictates of the mind.
• The Yoga stretch should be slow, gentle, controlled and enjoyed.
• Do not let your brain decide when to extend and when to stop. The body knows when its limit has been reached.
• For an easy stretch, hold for 20 – 30 seconds.
• The developmental part of stretching requires that you hold for 30 seconds or longer, increasing the stretch as comfort allows.
• A drastic stretch can activate the stretch-reflex. Muscles spasm, causing discomfort.
• A strong pre-stretched muscle resists stress better than a strong un-stretched muscle.
• The less the range of body movement in asana, the smaller will be the space in the lungs and the breathing pattern will be shorter. The greater the range of body movement in asana, lung capacity is greater, and breathing pattern deeper.
‘ When asanas are well performed, pranayamic breathing automatically sets in.
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