Topic 6.08.03​ Cultivate Regularity, Enthusiasm and Caution

Topic 6.08.03​ Cultivate Regularity, Enthusiasm and Caution. VERSION CONTROL: 1 August 2017

Consistency is more important than overworking. It’s not what you do once in a while that shapes your life, but what you do consistently. For changes to be of any value, they’ve got to be lasting and consistent.

In life many people know what to do, but few people actually do what they know. Knowing is not enough. You must take action. Many people never do because they’re too busy making excuses. We may know that regular Yoga stretching and exercises are beneficial. DOING is what is important. For what good is knowledge if we do not use it to live more freely and fully? If you want to direct your life, you must take control of your consistent actions.

To obtain maximum benefit, be firm with yourself in “doing” your Yoga practices daily.

Do not let your mind create excuses or imaginary reasons for putting off your daily practices.

Your flexibility will vary from day-to day. Many people are more flexible at night.

Evening Yoga practice releases tiredness, and you sleep better! Morning Yoga practice gives you tremendous energy for the day.

Every beginner is a winner. At least you win over inertia, procrastination, a ‘fear’ of starting. Begin afresh each time you practice.

As a beginner, spend a few minutes performing the Yoga movements and practices that you really enjoy.

Your initial goal is to have a full range of motion at each joint.

As you become more familiar with  the Yoga practices, remember to balance your program with exercises which strengthen and those which stretch and free the body.

As time goes by, like most things in life that one enjoys, you will find yourself wanting to spend more time in your Yoga practices.

Continuous Yoga practice will change your outlook. Yoga is an instant mood improver. Regularity and constancy – the longer you attend and the more you practice, the more you burn bio-chemicals produced by stress and depression. Endorphins and encephalin, the feel-good hormones are released. Even three minutes of regular, daily yoga is a powerful anti- depressant. It makes you feel happier. The bottom line is that Yoga makes you feel good.

The Yoga  practitioner will discipline themselves in food, mood, desires, cleanliness and character…and become a ‘new’ person.

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