Topic 6.08.01 ​Introduction to Shanti Yoga Principles of Practice

Topic 6.08.01 ​Introduction to Shanti Yoga Principles of Practice. VERSION CONTROL: 1 August 2017

You would think that we would know a great deal about staying in shape from the thousands of hours invested in high school P.E. classes. Yet, most of us learned only games and sports. Ask yourself: What do I do in my daily living that I enjoy and was taught in school? It’s amazing to think how little we learned. We could have learned how to take care of ourselves, how to be still, how to keep from becoming old before our time and how to avoid suffering from back problems brought about by bad habits. We are now teaching ourselves what we should have learned at school … and we haven’t started too soon!


Your own body is the first instrument. Alone and clean in body and mind,

focused in attention and will,

bring yourself to the altar,

offering in simplicity and innocence,

not a burnt sacrifice, but simply yourself, raised to your own highest potential.

The vision of perfection and innocence

in which human beings were first created,

unarmed, unashamed, children of God and Lord of Creation.


Yoga is the scenic journey to your deepest essence.

The physical plane is where the Divine Presence yearns to be. Let it flow freely through you, energising you. Do not think mainly about yourself. Think about spirituality and all the good things you know. When you are inspired by some great purpose, some extraordinary project, all your thoughts break their bounds: your mind transcends limitations, your consciousness expands in every direction and you find yourself in a new, great and wonderful world. Dormant forces, faculties and talents become alive, and you discover yourself to be a greater person by far than you ever dreamed yourself to be. 

The practice of contemplative Shanti yoga with concentration leads to rejuvenation, rest and renewal. Here are the principles of practice.

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