Topic 6.07.03 ​Do Not Practise

Topic 6.07.03 ​Do Not Practise. VERSION CONTROL: 1 August 2017

after being out in the hot sun for several hours.

if you feel any undue strain in your facial muscles, eyes, ears or with your breath during your practice.

attempt topsy-turvy poses if suffering from pus in your ears or displacement of the retina.

start with topsy-turvy poses like headstand, sirsasana or shoulder-stand, sarvangasana, if you suffer from dizziness or high blood pressure. First practise

Paschimottanasa, Uttanhasana and

Adho Mukha Svanasana

before attempting topsy-turvy poses.

After doing them, repeat Paschimottanasa, Adho Mukha Svanasana (dog) and Uttanhasana in that order.

Shoulder-stands or headstands until permission is given. Initially, learn under supervision.

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