Topic 6.06.08 Breathe Deeply and Rhythmically

Topic 6.06.08 Breathe Deeply and Rhythmically. VERSION CONTROL: 1 August 2017

First pause to breathe, then act. 

Breathe only through your nostrils, and not your mouth.

While instructing classes, I often give breathing instructions. These are to remind you to breathe and to get you into and out of a pose. Do not restrain your breath while in the process of an asana or while staying in it.

Let the breath flow freely, deeply, rhythmically. Breathe rhythmically, through your nose, with your diaphragm, and use your abdominals.

The free flowing breath connects your body and mind with the sensation of relaxation as you exhale and energy as you inhale. Allow each movement to flow from breath. Ride each breath like a bird on a breeze. Breathing out, relax and aid your stretch. Do not hold your breath. Allow the breath to be your guide. Never sacrifice the breath to achieve an asana. If you can’t breathe freely, you shouldn’t be there! 

Each breath is a complete journey.

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