Topic 6.03.01 Time

Topic 6.03.01 Time. VERSION CONTROL: 1 August 2017

The best time to practise is either early in the morning or late in the evening.

The morning hours, when the stomach is almost empty, after evacuation of the bowels, is very conducive to the practice of Yoga asanas.

Practice in the morning makes one work better in one’s vocation. In the morning the mind is still fresh, but its alertness and determination diminish as times goes by. In addition, so that many days of personal practice is not missed altogether due to unforeseen circumstances that arise in a busy life, I advise you to switch over to morning practice as soon as possible. Then, if you happen to miss your morning practice, you can make it up in the evening.

For some people asanas do not come easily as in the morning as the body is stiff… initially. Early morning stiffness of the body is overcome by regular practice.

However, if like most people you are busy getting children off to school, attending to household responsibilities and chores before getting yourself off to work, your regular practice may have to be in the evening. Practice in the evening removes the fatigue of the day’s strain and makes one fresh and calm. For some people the body moves more freely than in the mornings, thus executing the asanas is better and with greater ease. Practise stimulative asanas like shoulderstand, Sarvaganasa and its variations and ‘forward bend’, Paschimottanasana in the evening.

Remember that it is when you believe that you have no time for Yoga that you probably need it most!  (hint…hint…nudge…nudge).

Classes with a teacher over-rides all suggested times for practice.

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