Topic 6.01.15 Body

Topic 6.01.15 Body. VERSION CONTROL: 1 August 2017

We all get grumpy when we don’t feel good; easily discouraged when something we want to do seems too difficult or time-consuming. We all want to transform our lives, but only if it doesn’t take too long. Physical limitations include chronic neck, shoulder and back pain, bowel problems, sinus problems, knee problems, a lack of flexibility and poor upper body strength. The great majority of people are not very strong, nor flexible, do not have the time for the 840,000 classical poses and cannot begin with the abridged version of 84 poses of Yoga-on-the-go. Yet a majority of people would like to be able to do Yoga to help reduce stress, heal from physical injuries and illness, relieve lower back pain, enhance athletic pursuits or just reclaim their general sense of wellbeing. 

‘Beginner’ classes that foster a sense of competitiveness, do not work with the body at individual levels, lead to being injury prone, and are thus inappropriate.

Some days are easy…the mind is calm, and the physical body light and responsive. On other days your body might feel like wet cement and your mind running wild, out of control. The body whispers and talks to us before it screams! Listen to the whispers and sensations of your body. Honour its limitations. Never strain or push yourself too far, but don’t limit yourself. Do as much or as little as it feels correct. It is always better to do a little than none at all. Both mind and body love being stretched.

Are you ready to take off may many layers of wrapping that are like a straight-jacket to the body?

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