Topic 6.01.04 Experience your Anatomy

Topic 6.01.04 Experience your Anatomy. VERSION CONTROL: 1 August 2017

Currently many of us have developed a strong focus on muscular patterns, while sacrificing support and awareness from softer tissues, such as the organs, which sustain our posture and movement from deeper within, like air in a balloon. Without awareness and support on this deeper level, your posture tends to collapse and our muscles need to work even harder.

All ShantiYoga movements are initiated by breath, the spine and from your softer tissues.

Your cells, which provide the ground level of your physical being, are filled and surrounded by fluids which are in continuous motion.

Becoming present on this level and noticing the fluid quality inherent in your very structure, posture and movement can never ‘freeze’ or become rigid and dry.

Through the ShantiYoga approach, you are encouraged to experience your anatomy, embody it, and come to recognise your various body tissues. Each of these have a different ‘feel’, and reveal specific aspects of your mind, consciousness and self-expression. As these become more present and accessible to you, you can make choices and identify on those levels you need integration and re-patterning to move and express yourself in a more complete way.


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