Topic 5.6. You Have to Give to Receive Topic

  1. You Have To Give To Receive

The universe is essentially a world of balance and harmony. To tap into its abundant flow of energy and prosperity, you need to find a balance between giving and receiving, outward and inward flow. This is the universal principle of wealth and prosperity. You reap what you sow. Acquiring money without giving back, builds up negative karma, which will manifest at some stage in your life. If you are generous, altruistic, sincere and modest, not proud or hypocritical, the Universe will, in return, reciprocate. Giving and receiving are not just limited to material things. They can relate to respect, compliments, or the admiration of others.

A gift must not be blind, lame or weak. It must have vision, be able to do something and must be able to do it powerfully enough. Don’t simply give without knowing exactly what your giving will lead to. Choose to give to people who have vision, rather than those who don’t. Choose to give to people who will actually put your money to good use for themselves and society, rather than to those who will remain where they are. When you give, do so with an amount that will have a significant impact, or else don’t do it.

It is most important to give with joy and gratitude. The energy that you give with, will formulate the results you get. If you give begrudgingly, unhappily or reluctantly, then you will attract similar conditions for your receiving in life. Giving with negative energy benefits neither the giver nor the receiver. Giving with negative energy only reduces abundance, whereas it is actually meant to increase abundance. Give with positive energy and your gift will be a true blessing to yourself and this world. Being a cheerful giver draws the love of the universe into you. So, open your heart up wider, to give and receive more.

Giving and receiving are reciprocal. Once you receive anything, also remember to give gratitude and thanks to the Universe for that gift and be grateful for what you already have.

You might think that you want the universe to give you more, but what is your attitude towards receiving? Do you hold any misguided, conflicting or inappropriate beliefs about when and how it is right to receive? It would be nice and simple if the universe just handed each of us a lottery ticket or financial windfall, but that is unlikely to happen. Do you associate saying ‘yes’ immediately with being greedy or arrogant? When pride comes in, a lot of your life could be spent covering up your needs and not telling the world about them. Not everyone expects to have to offer a second time or to press you into accepting their generosity. In fact, sometimes there will be no generosity at all unless you ask for it. Learn to swallow your pride and not only to accept help, but also to do so graciously and with genuine gratitude.



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