Topic 14.3 Books by Shanti Gowans

Sources of inspiration, education, meditation, spiritual guidance

BOOKS by Shanti Gowans


Cosmic Principles and Practices for Wealth, Health and Wisdom

An Easy Guide to Meditation

The journey home to your heart

As a Twig is Shaped

Yoga Education for Children

Ayurveda for Health & Wellbeing

The Science of Life and the Art of Healthy Living

Ayurvedic Vegetarian Cooking

The Yoga of Food, Kitchen Pharmacy, Foundational Recipes

Believe in Yourself

Recognise self-worth. Rebuild self-confidence. Free your Spirit.

Change your life today

Breathe for Health

Explore the anatomy of conscious breathing. Release stress. Be healthy

Catching Rainbows, Touching Stars

Inspirational quotations and colouring-in book


The key to success. Acquire practical skills for study and work


Eight Limbs of Yoga

Transformational Practices to Awaken your Life

Food for Life

Ayurvedic recipes: Food for health, food as medicine, food to enjoy

For Better not Worse

Happiness, love and constant enrichment in your relationships

Hatha Yoga for Body, Mind and Spirit

with a translation of the Hatha Yoga Pradipika

Healing Yoga

Ease head, neck and shoulder stiffness, tension and pain

Healthy Body

Structure and Function of the Human Body

and the effects of Ayurveda and Yoga practice on it

Hypertension and You

Drugless, yogic management for high blood pressure

Inner Peace Handbook

Eastern Mystical Secrets for daily joy and lasting happiness

Intimacy, Love, Transformation

Happiness, love, constant enrichment in relationships

Keep Fit while you Sit

Exercises and yogic practices you can do whilst seated

Making Life Work

Simple guidelines on goal setting


The art and science of meditation

for health, wellbeing and selfcare

Meditations to Calm the Mind, Discover Inner Peace

Philosophical principles and transcripts of practices



The Art of Conscious Living

Peace begins with You

The power of peacemaking in a challenging world of stress, trauma, anger,

aggression. A handbook on meaning, hope and repair

 Peaceful Warrior, Practising Peace

Cultivate world peace by victory over war within our hearts and minds

Reflections of a Yogi

Deeper, inspirational poetic wisdom to refresh your perspective

Salute to the Sun, Surya Namaskara

The Shanti Yoga™ signature practice of solar vitalisation

Sankalpa: Your future is in your hands

Reflective Journal to manage time, your life and your self

Sitting beyond Thinking

Everything you’ve ever wanted and needed to know about Vipassana meditation, with full reference to the Buddha’s teachings of Maha Satipatthana Sutra

Shanti Yoga Teaching Community Guidelines


Stress Ease

Shanti Yoga™ signature practices to relax your upper back, neck and shoulders

The Art of Being…in Business

Innate leadership, intelligence, bravery and joy in the workplace

The Art of Teaching Yoga

Foundational and Inspirational, specially written for teachers of Yoga

The Best is yet to Be

Ageing well. A positive yogic perspective to healthy ageing

The Children’s Book of Shanti Yoga™

Yoga, practices, verses, relaxation, stories

The Long Search for Meaning

An Introduction to World Religions.

The Yoga Sutras

Dissertation of Patanjali’s sutras

Yoga and Ayurveda Dictionary

Fundamentals of Yoga and Ayurveda and Sanskrit romanised to English.

Yoga Education for Children

Manual for Teaching Shanti Yoga to Children.

Yoga During Pregnancy

Mental and physical preparation for a beautiful birth and after.

Your Future is in your Hands

Reflective journal to manage your time, your life, your Self.



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