Topic 11.1. Power Follows Thought


That man is a success who has lived well,

Laughed often and loved much;

Who has gained the respect of intelligent men and the love of


Who has filled his niche and accomplished his task;

Who leaves the world better than he found it,

Whether by a perfect poem or a rescued soul,

Who never lacked appreciation of the earth’s beauty nor failed to

express it;

Who looked for the best in others and gave the best he had.

                                                            Robert Louis Stevenson

In this quote, Robert Louis Stevenson sums up success in terms of

happiness in life. The mis-perceived separation in our world-views between success and balance, science and spirit, or so-called evidence-based and faith-based perspectives, has been damaging and dangerous to our relationships with each other and with Gaia.

However, they are now being reconciled into an empowering whole world view of a conscious, evolving and unified Cosmos, where we are both creation and co-creators.

This emergent ‘whole world view’ is crucial to all of us, as it enables us, more than ever before, to integrate (in-to-great) our hearts and minds, in a more profound understanding of the nature of all that we call reality.

This revelatory, 21st century understanding, can allow us to describe our universe as a cosmic hologram, where consciousness is all-pervasive: expressing itself as space and time, energy and matter, through geometric patterns, on all scales of existence.

The classical movements of Yoga (asanas), represent the cosmic holograms which are fundamental to our understanding of the nature of reality. It’s insights support our remembering who we really are and enable us to heal our relationships with ourselves, each other, Gaia and the wider Cosmos.

Your brain is involved in everything you do. It decides when you will get married and divorced. It manages your money and helps you be successful at work. It determines how healthy you are and whether or not your cravings are under control. When your brain works right, you work right. When your brain is troubled, you are much more likely to have trouble in your life. Most people, especially those who are not as intelligent as Einstein, would want to enhance their brain performance. Taking care of your brain can turn your life around. But you have to want to have a better brain. For you to consistently make the right decisions regarding your brain, you must have a burning desire to get it healthy. Know your reasons and motivations about why you care about your brain. These might include to live longer, make better decisions, have more energy, to be a better role model to your children, decrease your risk of Alzheimer’s, or to have the confidence to apply for the job you want.

Action is the foundational key to all success.

                                                Pablo Picasso

You have the power within you to use this information to change the world. What you believe to be true about yourself is your ‘inner game’ and how you take action is your ‘outer game’. Together, these determine your results.

The most practical method for controlling the mind

is the habit of keeping it busy with a definite purpose

backed by a definite plan.

                                                Napoleon Hill

If you want to think better, your brain power boost might be just a few steps away. The prescription for a healthy brain, includes a healthy diet with proper nutrition, exercising your brain and body, and ample sleep. Research has shown that those lacking adequate sleep exhibit the same reflexes as those who are severely inebriated.



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