Topic 10.2.13 Kati Basti treatment-Pradhana karma

Positioning the client


Kati Basti is ideally done;

– in the morning when the Kapha symptoms predominate in the low back (stiffness),

– in the noon when pitta symptoms predominate (inflammation, burning sensation etc) and

– in the evening if Vata symptoms predominate (pain).

However, it is generally done early in the morning when the convenience of the patient is taken into consideration.

The patient is asked to come or attend the treatment on an empty stomach because while doing Kati Basti, the patient has to sleep in prone position (on their stomach).


The client is positioned and made to lie on her/his belly on a comfortable massage table or similar.

Preparing the wet flour for the treatment

Finely pounded black gram flour is taken in a sterile bowl or vessel.

Water is added to it (preferably warm water) and kneaded well so as to prepare a bolus.

Preparation and construction of Kati Basti ring (compartment)

From this bolus a ring is made.

– The ring should be having a diameter that will accommodate and enclose the lumbar vertebrae (lower back bones), the sacroiliac joints and coccyx (tailbone) within it. This means that when the ring of dough is placed on the back, these parts of the back are enclosed within the ring.

– The height of the ring should be at least 3-4 inches.

– The junction of the ring and skin is sealed with wet flour.

– A small amount of oil is now poured in the ring (compartment) of flour and checked for leakage.

Kati Basti should be started after confirming that there is no leakage at the base of the walls of the ring.

Method of oil pooling

– The chosen medicated oil is heated passively.

– The required quantity of oil, sufficient enough to fill the space within the ring of dough, is place in a small bowl.

– The bowl is kept in the vessel filled with hot water. When the oil gets warm, the bowl is removed.

– Oil is poured into the compartment (space within the constructed ring of wet flour).

Recycling the oil

Care should be taken to maintain the temperature of the oil in the Kati Basti pool.

– The temperature should be kept uniform throughout the procedure (until the procedure is completed).

– For this to happen, the oil from the pool is removed at regular intervals (leaving some oil in it i.e. oil should not be completely removed) and replaced by warm oil (on the other side, simultaneously oil is passively heated).

Oils / ghee used for Kati Basti / Abhyanga

Narayan oil– vata

Chandanbalalakshadi oil – Pitta

Vishagarbha oil – Kapha

PureShanti herbal oil – ama (caster oil base)

Sesame oil – tridoshic