Topic 10.1. Master your mind to master your life


A shoe factory sends two marketing scouts out to a region in Africa,  to study the prospects of expanding their business. One sends back a message saying, “Situation hopeless. No one wears shoes”. The other writes back triumphantly, “Glorious business opportunity. They have no shoes”.

Your thoughts are just an illusion. Yet they are responsible for most, if not all of your suffering. To become locked in a prison of your very own mind, is almost as though you have this small voice chattering inside your head telling you that you’re no good, that something might go wrong, or that you do not have enough time/skills/information/contacts/resources, to do what you need to do, and giving you endless stress, incessant worries about the future and very little peace of mind. Take a moment to look at your mind-set.

Consider this yogic saying:

            Sow a thought, reap an act.

            Sow an act, reap a habit.

            Sow a habit, reap a character.

            Sow a character, reap a destiny.

If you are amongst those people who go through life asking yourself dis-empowering questions without realising it, then you need to consciously turn those dis-empowering questions into questions which will empower you. No one goes around asking these negative questions on purpose, however, here are some examples:

  • Why don’t I have enough money?
  • Why am I so lonely?
  • Why am I such a loser?
  • Why am I so fat?
  • Why am I so broke?
  • Why do I never get the breaks that other people get?
  • Why can’t I do anything right?

These represent negative reflections in your subconscious mind, that negative inner voice that tells us that we can’t do anything right. And as you manifest what you focus on, when you ask yourself negative questions, you get negative results. Dis-empowering questions focus your mind on what you don’t have, can’t do, and are not, and therefore, take away your power to act.

Your thoughts, words, habits, nature and destiny are all interlinked. In fact, if you really take the time to consider how powerful the impact your thoughts have on your daily, practical life, you will be amazed at how it shapes your destiny in many areas of your life.  The power of one thought is like throwing a stone into a huge lake. The effects could ripple into something huge and that is a force to be reckoned with. Use the vast powers of your mind to master your life.

If you are ready to find a better way,  ask yourself questions that have precisely the opposite effect of their negative counterparts. Empowering questions focus your mind on what you have, what you can do, and who you are. They produce feelings of positive self-worth, unleash your ability to take action and ultimately lead to answers that express the truth about who you really are.

Here’s a fun exercise to do. Change your dis-empowering questions into empowering ones. For instance:

Why don’t I ever get the breaks other people get? Might be: Why am I so lucky?

Why am I so fat? could become Why is it so easy for me to lose weight?

Go for it. Did you notice a shift in your mind? What does it feel like? Congratulations, you’ve just begun an amazing journey!

The following pages will most likely provide you with insights into areas  that need improvement. If what’s missing is put into place, you can support that area in your life for you to be happier and more fulfilled.




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