Capital as such is not evil; it is its wrong use that is evil.
Capital in some form or other will always be needed.
Mohandas Gandhi, 1869-1948
This idea may sound laughable, because on the surface, who in the developed world, would not like or need finance and fortune to be part of their future? We don’t feel embarrassed about ‘loving’ our home, our car, our pets, our dessert etc., so why should we have a hang up about loving money? It pays for our lifestyle. It appears then that everyone likes and needs money, because of the goods and services it can be exchanged for. However, people may subconsciously reject money, due to some religious teachings, although consciously they may be welcoming it. There is a belief that material things are somewhat morally suspect, or that in order to be spiritual, you need to retreat from the world and forsake all material and egotistical comforts. There are hermits, monks, nuns and other religious followers who live on very little. However, that is their choice. For everyone else, if you have created little and want to create more, then this is a signal that it is time to take action and change the way you are doing things.
Do not value money for any more or any less than its worth:
it is a good servant and a bad master.
Alexandre Dumas
Begin by becoming aware of your deep beliefs about money. Money is a means to an end, not an end in itself. To look at the perfect balance between your wealth and your finances, you must first acknowledge that money is energy. When energy is in alignment and balance, everything flows freely and perfectly in a divine order. To entrain your brainwaves, you will need to learn how to consciously create and restore balance for your own financial wellbeing. You need to love money totally and devotedly, just like you devotedly love your lover. Love money without false pride and it will love you back. Do not view it as evil, nor doubt its nature. Money is not dirty, however minds that own it can taint it. You condemn, you lose. Emotional engagement is important. Money is simply a tool. When you’re rich, you are exactly the same person – but with money.
As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he.
Proverbs 23:7