Topic 6.08.15 ​No Competition

Topic 6.08.15 ​No Competition. VERSION CONTROL: 1 August 2017

Yoga is not a contest. Yoga postures help loosen the mind’s control of the body, so that the body moves for ‘its own sake’ rather than for competition, or ego. The joy of excellence in action is a higher source of motivation and energy than competition.

There is no competition in Yoga. Never compete, or compare yourself with anyone else.

Yoga encompasses ‘personal progress’, and views competition and comparison as a waste of energy.

There is no prize for the person who reaches a certain Yoga position first.

Every body is different. One person will get into a seemingly advanced position in a week of practice, whilst another will still be in a comparatively elementary position after practicing Yoga for nearly a year.

Just be aware of yourself.

You receive full benefits from your first day of Yoga practice, because you are listening to your body and allowing it to take you further when YOU are ready.

As long as you go to your own comfortable limit, you will be getting the same amount of benefit as the next person, no matter at which stage of the Yoga position you are in.

In performing Yoga exercises regularly, you are bound to do better today than you did yesterday.

Know that in going to the limit of your own capacity, you are receiving the same benefit as your teacher, who perhaps can stretch much further, but who is also much more flexible.

Similarly, a middle-aged heavily-built person, will also progress as fast as someone who is slim and athletic.

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