Topic 6.08.07​ Never Hurry. Yoga pade pade: Yoga step by step

Topic 6.08.07​ Never Hurry. Yoga pade pade: Yoga step by step. VERSION CONTROL: 1 August 2017

Hurry generally implies a sub-conscious impatience, and an underlying consciousness of scarcity which leads to greed.

Avoid jerking or quick twisting or bending.

Do not be in a rush. You risk injury with fast movement.

Go into the Yoga posture slowly, so that you can be inwardly aware of your body.

You may find that moving slowly is a little difficult at first, especially if you are used to doing things quickly, or to being very tense. This could be because you have not as yet learned to let go.

Use breath to relax.

With practice, as you become more aware of your body, you will find yourself     overcoming impatience, slowing down, and enjoying it.

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