We’ve discussed many ideas. These have originated in the classical wisdom philosophy and practice of Yoga, which postulates that the body benefits from movement, (stretch out the stress), and the mind benefits from stillness (adopt the pace of nature.
Health is wealth, because without our health we are nothing. We strive for personal success often at the detriment of our health, and only really understand the value of health once we have had it and then lost it.
We put other priorities ahead of our health and take our health and our mind and bodies for granted until we are broken, sick, in pain or burnt out mentally. We try to undo years of unhealthy habits, often when it’s too little too late. Take a look around you. Chances are,
you know someone, or many people with diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure, obesity, cancer, an autoimmune disease. The list goes on and on.
Health should be our top priority however, in modern society, career and money is more highly valued. People strive to get the promotion to earn more money, to have the lifestyle that they think will make them happy. And we witness many people who spend their health to gain their wealth and then have to spend their wealth to regain their health. It simply doesn’t make sense.
If you wish to move away from this expected illness and sickness lifestyle (reactive) to a wellness orientated lifestyle (proactive) yoga will help you do that. Long-term health profiles have not been looking good for many of us for a very long time now, and the global pandemic has uncovered that.
I am hoping that today you can see how important it is for us to change that.
Here is how I would like to help you with that goal…
I invite you to join my Wellness Wake Up Call program and take the time to begin your journey to lasting wellness and greater protection from disease.
Step by step I will lead you through the changes that might seem small and unimportant at first, yet will compound into remarkable results if you are willing to stick with them as your plan for a mindfully abundance life. These small changes may not set your world on fire initially, but, over time, they will provide the foundations for long-lasting tangible lifestyle changes. Undertaken consistently, they create new habits which will empower you to lift and upgrade
your overall quality of life, which is what I want for you….
The kernel for success comes from:these major practices.
and from the synthesis of these principles:
(duty, dharma; wealth, artha; pleasure, kama, freedom, moksha).
Make it happen.
With my unlimited blessings,
Shanti Gowans