Step 2: Do What You Love. Give It Your All. What You Choose To Focus On Will Grow.
Determine what you love to do, and take action to build wealth from it.
There is a critical difference between your conscious and unconscious goals. When you access the emotions behind your desires, you can identify what you really want. Often, what people really want, is different to what they say they want.
It doesn’t matter if you work for someone else, for yourself, or if you own a company and employ others. You can make a lot of money doing almost anything, although it’s true that most very wealthy people work for themselves or own their own businesses. However, working for someone else can be a stepping stone to starting your own business. In fact, working in an industry you’re interested in can be a great way to learn about starting a business of your own.
What’s really essential, is that you enjoy what you do; that you approach it creatively and do it with passion. Talk to anyone who is truly wealthy, financially or otherwise, and you’ll find that they’re almost always passionate about what they do.
As with Step 1, to determine what you love, it’s important to write things down. This helps you organise things mentally and also generates a positive input for your mind. It becomes the ‘raw material’ that you use to generate ideas with.
So think about what you love to do. Ask yourself the following questions:
– What are my hobbies, interests, passions?
– What do I totally love to immerse myself in?
– When I am in ‘the zone,’ what am I usually doing?
– What would I do, or create, if I knew I could not fail?
– If I had the time and freedom, what would I do, whether I was paid to do it or not?
These questions can help you determine your passion. Once you’ve written down your answers, put your mind to work. Brainstorm and research ways in which you could make money from these things: business ideas, jobs, products, services and so on – whatever applies best to your particular passion. Remember that anything is possible, so don’t leave anything out!
Once you’ve created your list, go back and refine it. Pick the ideas that feel best to you – the ones you really feel excited about! Then look at ways you could put them into action… and take that action! Make sure that you move forward consistently, even if it’s just baby steps at first. Some of the biggest corporations in the world started from tiny one- or two-person operations. They succeeded because their founders took consistent action, one step at a time! And some of the wealthiest individuals in the world got that way simply by doing things they loved to do.
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