Topic 7.1. Self Worth

Step 1: Self Worth –  You Are Worthy


Abundance is about living a life you love. Sometimes it takes a long while for us to realise what we want. Beyond the bigger house, having less annoying colleagues, relatives, in-laws, your favourite team winning the championship, losing some weight and wanting a good hair day, what do you really want out of life? How can you make the rest of your life meaningful? The mistake we often make is to chase the big answers, when we should really be chasing these big questions.

Believe that you’re worthy of the abundance you want, and see yourself as already having it.

True abundance building has actually very little to do with the way you earn your living. It has much more to do with your internal beliefs and perceptions about wealth and abundance: in other words, your relationship with it. When you positively align your beliefs and perceptions with abundance, then the ‘abundance building’ part will happen almost automatically.

For a sound indication of your existing beliefs about wealth, take a look at your current financial situation. If it’s not the situation you want, then you need to change your beliefs, because they are what got you where you are today!

The secret to moving ahead in life is pretty simple. It is all about changing limiting beliefs into empowering ones. If you are able to do that successfully, there is no doubt you will be a far happier, more confident and successful person.

Beliefs have the power to influence your outcome and destiny in life. But while positive beliefs can be extremely motivating and can help you get far ahead in life, negative beliefs always work in the opposite way. They hold people back, lowering their self esteem.

Changing limiting beliefs is not as hard as you think it might be. Firstly, tell yourself that you will do all that it takes to overcome your negative beliefs; and this you can do by identifying them in the first place. There is no point being in denial. If you have some beliefs that you know are detrimental to your progress, admit them to yourself.

For instance, if you believe it is a bad time for you to become an entrepreneur because you think that the economy is in bad shape, and that’s the only reason why you are sticking to your dead end job, even though you have a great idea that has every potential of becoming successful, believe that despite the condition of the economy, there is (and always will be) space for a great product or a superior service. Just affirming this will change your entire perspective. You will find yourself enthused enough to make an exit route from your job in order to set up your venture.

Changing your limiting beliefs has the power to ignite your passion. If you are really passionate about what you want to do, you will find that things will fall into place sooner rather than later.

Shed Emotional Baggage And Re-Frame Evidence

More often than not, limiting beliefs remain with us because either there are some emotional pay-offs, and we focus on evidence that supports those beliefs.

Let’s cite some examples and solutions for both cases. In the first case (having emotional pay-offs), someone who is dying to break out of the mould of being stuck in a dead end job, may be stuck to it because they have a family to support. They have trained themselves to believe that if they do what their heart desires, they will let their family down.

If you can relate to this, the solution is simple: you’ve got to drop it. If supporting your family is what you are worried about, think of a backup plan. Save up enough for a period of time, so that you can opt out without the guilt.

In the second case (having supportive evidence for the belief), a person might tell themself that there are failures all around them because of recessionary pressures, and so they shy away from the idea of entrepreneurship.

The solution to this dilemma is to re-frame it. For instance, if you are telling yourself that there have been other entrepreneurial failures, don’t blame it on the recessionary pressures. The reason for their failure may have been due to their inability to think through their business plan. All you have to do is make a fool-proof business plan and follow through with it.

It may seem difficult at first, but following these suggestions can help a great deal in changing limiting beliefs. At the end of the day, you will feel much more empowered, just like a butterfly that has broken out of its cocoon and is ready to fly away to enjoy the wonders that life has to offer.

Contrary to what many people think, life doesn’t just happen to us, it happens for us. We actually create our entire life’s experiences based on our beliefs. Those who enjoy the life experiences they want, have simply learnt to adopt matching beliefs, and act in accordance with them.

To change your beliefs about wealth and abundance, begin by looking at how you feel about wealth. Here are some questions to start with:

– What do you focus on when you think about wealth?

– What does your self-talk (the little voice inside your head) say to you when you think about wealth?

– Do you look at your surroundings and focus on a lack of wealth?

– Are your finances a source of worry and anxiety to you?

– Was money a touchy subject when you were growing up?

– Is it now?

– When you see others with a lot of money are you envious of them, or happy for them?


Write down all of your beliefs about wealth.

Be totally honest with yourself and don’t leave anything out.

Now, consider the level of wealth you’d like and see if your beliefs match it. Chances are, some, if not all of them, won’t.

Now rewrite any beliefs that don’t match your desired wealth level. For example,  “Money doesn’t grow on trees,” could become “Wealth is everywhere; it flows to me abundantly and effortlessly.” “I don’t have what it takes to be rich,” could become, “I enjoy a massive, lucrative income from doing things I love and enjoy, with absolute confidence and competence.”

These are just examples for you to get the idea. Our thoughts and beliefs create our life experiences. So if you want a positive wealth building experience, your beliefs about wealth and money need to be positive too! Practice reciting and affirming your rewritten beliefs. Really feel yourself adopting them and take them on as your own. You’re programming your subconscious with new, positive beliefs about wealth, and with consistent input, you will see results quickly!



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