Topic 6.3. Live with Complete Integrity

  1. Live with Complete Integrity

The world of form is the world of duality, where we must recognise that good and bad, right and wrong, up and down, light and dark are forever paired. When we are blind to this relativity, we evaluate and judge everything harshly and this becomes the dumping ground for fear, hatred, conformity and enslavement. Acknowledge that a broken system has been predefining our dreams and limiting what we have allowed ourselves to imagine, but it doesn’t have to be that way at all. Identifying this subtle world of duality and moving out of this dumping ground of fear into integrity and authenticity, is the playground for deeper meaning, connection, love and joy, where Cosmic Laws are uncovered, and a conscious manifesting process begins.

These laws are aspects of our cosmic selves, which transcend the world of dualistic thinking and are embraced when we begin to live true to our selves in all of our decision making. In other words, rather than automatically responding to any given situation from an automated ‘mass consciousness’ type of pattern, we choose to consciously embrace our feelings and our intuition within any given circumstance. We honour where it is taking us, seeing it as being the prompt, nudge, nod, or only choice there is for us at that time.

All of life’s circumstances present, the ‘high road’ – the road less travelled, and a ‘low road. Taking the high road aligns you with your desires and infuses them with energy. The lower vibrational thought road is that of form, duality, conformity, enslavement to the past, others, their thoughts, desires and wishes to dictate your world and environment to you. Choose to live with integrity and authenticity, as a self realised being of power, no longer being manipulated like an unconscious puppet on a string, and address your needs with confidence, knowing that without a doubt, you are making the right choice for yourself, whether others view it that way or not.

This is the source of power – your power and the most overlooked step of manifestation.

Never induce any harm to people or the environment, encroach on other people’s property or defy any moral laws. Never offend anyone, tell a lie or cheat for financial gain. Simply speaking, never ever do anything that would not make your family proud of you.

Follow the simple rule, ‘if it doesn’t feel right, then it probably isn’t’. If you have to choose between expediency and integrity, choose integrity, simply because no amount of money can be a substitute for peace of mind or a clear conscience.



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