The universal source of energy and giver of life (prana, chi, qi) needs to flow. Clutter in your home, workplace, mind, wherever, blocks this pranic flow. When prana is blocked, it stops the flow of ‘opportunity’ (luck) into your life. How many (objects, things, people) are there in your life/space because you love them and how many are there just because they have always been there? Why not release those things you do not love and see how free you feel? It is tremendously liberating.
As you think about each item you want to get rid of, think about who you can give it to and who will love receiving it. Give your old things away to a charity. By liberating these items from your home, you free them up to bring blessings to another home. Once you start clearing away the clutter in your home, you will find that you also un-clutter your mind, and vice versa.
Pay your bills with joy. Money is an energy, and all energy needs to circulate, so money needs to be circulated, just like blood in your body. When blood circulates freely in you, your health is excellent. So keep your money circulating.
This does not mean that you should not save. You need to save your money based upon the emotion of optimism in your life.To think that having savings will help to prevent ‘rainy days’, is often an action based on emotions of pessimism, which is not an emotion to be encouraged when it comes to the circulation of money. Do not live in constant fear. Know that saving money will not block the circulation of money or universal cosmic energy, as long as it stems from healthy, positive thoughts, generated by healthy, positive feelings. Encourage the free flow of giving and receiving. Tap into abundance.