To understand the immeasurable,
the mind must be extraordinarily quiet, still.
Universal Laws govern every area of life. They are the matrix of reality. To want to understand the laws of life indicates a high degree of intelligence. The deeper and more powerful your knowledge, the easier it is to achieve success, because deep, powerful knowledge is the key to inspired thinking and intelligent action. Getting what you want out of life need not seem like a mysterious process that can never be figured out. There are strategies and techniques you can follow, laws of the universe that will lead you to where you want to go, and they work every time.
If you drop a ball out of a window 100 times, it will fall every single time. Objects cannot remain suspended in the air because of the Law of Gravity (a downward force). Yet a Jumbo Jet can be propelled from the ground into the sky and remain in the air at 37,000 feet above sea level for 17 hours straight, because of the sub-laws governed within the law of gravity, which include drag (the resistance of air, or backward force), thrust (the power of the airplane’s engine, or full force) and lift (an upward force). For an airplane to fly, thrust must be greater than drag, and lift greater than gravity. There are many forces at work within a single universal law, which, when leveraged differently, can and will create a different result.
If there were rules for the ‘game of life’, knowing the seven universal laws of success and how they work in your everyday life, presents both the rules, as well as the answers, to many important questions and challenges that every person who wants more out of life faces.
Time and space are experienced differently in the physical universe and on other planes of reality. The power from the Universe’s Laws has been available to everyone all along. We don’t create solutions. Solutions already exist, and they are just waiting for someone to reap their benefits. If you really want to complete the picture of manifestation for yourself, to obtain results, you must put the following seven laws into action. But it’s not like simply closing your eyes and thinking positively to manifest anything you desire. Applying the Universal Laws is not like blind magic, they are like directed magnetism of immense power.
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