Topic 1.2 Mindful Abundance Workshop Questions

1. What Is Money?

Write, draw, cut and paste…let yourself go

2. Money And You

Generally, how do you feel about money and you? What is your image of yourself and money?

3. Parental Background

How has your life been affected
by the financial situation you were born into?

How has your choice of livelihood been affected by the way your parents made their living?

Did both your parents come from a similar socio-economic background? How have these roots affected your life?

4. Growing Up

When you were growing up, did you know:
– how much money your parents earned?
-what the monthly family expenses were?
– how much it cost to send you to school?
– what extras your family could/not afford?
e.g. holidays, pets, swimming pool, car, going to the movies, take- away food, dining out?

Growing up, did you feel your family had enough money? How did that affect your childhood?

5. Parental Influence

What relationship did your parents have with money? e.g. mum thought it should be banked, dad though it was there to live it up.
How has this affected how you are with money?

6. How Would You Best Describe Your Relationship With Money?

  • I’m abundant!
  • Money flows easily to me.
  • I’m just getting by.
  • I’m drowning in debt.

7. How Did Your Family Feel About Children Having Money?

Did you have an allowance?
Was it given to you or did you earn it?

Did you feel you personally had enough money?
Were you expected to provide certain things for yourself with the money you had, or could you spend your money on whatever you chose to eg clothes, stationery, transport, cinema/shows, shoes, ice cream, music, digital games, presents?

8. Rich Kids – Poor Kids

Were you aware of other kids having more money than you? Did you know who the poor/rich kids were?
Which were you?

9. First/Earlier Jobs

Do you remember where you began to feel that providing money for yourself was your responsibility? (lemonade stall? paper round?)

What were your first paying jobs? Why did you take them?

What did they mean to you?
What did having a job say to you (delivering papers, mowing lawns, McDonalds)

10. Stealing And Shoplifting

Did you ever steal or shoplift?

If yes, what did you say to yourself before, during and after you shoplifted?

If not, what do you feel about yourself as a result of not stealing? What do you tell yourself about people who steal?

11. Character

How did growing up in your financial circumstances influence your character?

Explore your relationship with money at ages 10, 20, 30…
– When I was 10, money was…
– When I was 20, money was…
– When I was 30, money was…

How is your character influencing or creating your financial circumstances?

12. Events That Shaped Your Relationship With Money

What events shaped your relationship with money? Positive events
Negative events

13. Spending And Saving

How do you spend your money? How do you feel about saving money?

14. Encouraging Words and phrases

Imagine you are with a small child attempting to do something extremely challenging. What would you say to encourage that child?
Write down the encouragements.
Say them to yourself, often.

15. Do You You Feel Empowered/Disempowered In Your Life?

I feel empowered!
I usually feel disempowered. It’s about 50/50.

16. Time is…

Abundant! I always have time for the things that matter most. Scarce. I feel like there’s never enough time in the day.

17. Your Focus

Do you tend to focus on details? Or the ‘big picture’? I have an eye for fine detail.
I’m more of a big picture person.

18. When An Opportunity Presents Itself, How Do You React?

I jump at the chance!
I weigh up the pros and cons, then decide. I feel fear, fail to act and usually miss out.

19. It Takes Money To Make Money


20. Do you have a need to be ‘In Control’ of your life?

No, I’m happy to just ‘go with the flow’.
Yes, I have an obsessive need to control everything. Sometimes. I tend to pick my battles.

21. Does Fear or Doubt ever interfere with attaining your Goals?
No way! I’m super driven.
I often feel overwhelmed with doubt.
I don’t set goals for myself.

22. Your Internet Business earns you $10,000 this month. You…
Worry about when the other shoe is going to drop. This is too good to be true!

Feel satisfied and decide to take a few weeks off.

Keep working to see if you can increase your income to $20k next month.

23. Imagine And Believe

Imagine a world where money grew on trees,
and anything you put your energy into
(your health, a business, a new relationship, or a specific goal), manifested into your life.

Imagine a place where love, happiness and fulfilment were your natural states of being.

Could you conceive what it would feel like to literally have everything, anything and more, of what you have ever wanted?
While this might sound almost unbelievable, would you consider that this world could exist?

What would be the cost?

24. Believe. Achieve. Succeed

Living mindfully, with abundance is possible for you right now, but in order for it to happen, you must understand a few things. .

The key to how to live your life with abundance, and tips on how to amplify it so that you can implement it immediately,
to achieve more happiness, success and healing, is in this course. You will learn a lot of valuable information
such as how manifestation becomes blocked and how to clear it.

25. Money and Abundance

Money equals more freedom and choices.
It’s simply the ‘currency’ we use to enjoy the experiences and things we wish to have more of.
It lives in the mind-hive of abundance.

26. What Is Your Experience Of Abundance?

What is your definition of abundance?

27. You Are The Secret

The secret to success
has nothing to do with how smart, lucky or rich you are. You don’t have to travel the world searching for it,
or spend time and money training to gain experience
to develop expertise about it.
Prosperity is multidimensional.
Overflowing fullness is abundance of the heart.
An extremely plentiful or over sufficient quantity or supply is an abundance of tools and resources.
Affluence is the enjoyment of abundance.

28. Enjoy Mindful Abundance

The ‘secret’ to everything you desire in life, happiness, abundance, health, success and wealth, is right here, in front of you, or to be more precise, within you. Find this out for yourself.

I wish you a joyous, abundant life.
May peace, and love go with you wherever you go. With my love, blessings and namaste, Shanti




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